Absentee Bidding Form
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I understand i am placing a proxy bid or absentee bid or bids and that i am buying the item as -is where is, all items sold are via proxy bidding or absentee bidding are non refundable.
We clearly represent the items by discription, photos or bidder has viewed the item on the internet and is satisfied with the discription and the condition it is in, buyer also fully understands the item is non refundable.
Absentee bidding must be placed 24 hours before auction time and date and can only be withdrawn in writting 24 hours prior to the auction date and time by US mail, withdraw notice must be recieved 24 hours prior to the auction date and time in writing fax or email communication does not apply unless confirmed in writing by the auctioneer Jeff Anglin, Absentee bids may be done in person the day of the auction by registering and writing there bid on the bid card and placing the absentee bid with the auctioneer. Buyer understands that the starting price and bid increments are at the sole discretion of the auctioneer, all sales tax and buyers premiums are added to the high bid price and buyers are responsible for shipping and handling fees.
The undersigned agrees to the full terms of this contract and agreement, buyer agrees to be bound by all written and verbal terms of this auction bid contract and by submitting this bid the undersigned is fully responsible for this bid amount and all other charges taxes, Buyers premium shipping and handling.
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All absentee bids must be confirmed by auctioneer 24 hours prior to auction.
Item or Items - Amount